2023’s Trending Colors of the Year Paired with 8 Recycled Glass Surfaces

Posted by Steven Schrenk

Could it be time to reimagine your interiors? We say it’s all about the mix. From what’s trending to the official colors of the year, we’ve chosen eight to pair with Vetrazzo surfaces to help bring sustainable design into a home.  In this mashup, we’ve paired our original recycled glass surfaces with eight trending colors to inspire your next renovation. Here are some mixes we think you should try.

Keywords: Vetrazzo recycled glass, Countertops, Interior Design, Kitchen Design, Sustainable Design

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​​HGTV’s “Fixer to Fabulous” Uses Vetrazzo for Retro Arkansas Home

Posted by Steven Schrenk

How do you turn back the clock on a vintage home that’s been stripped of its retro charm? For Arkansas couple Amy and Andy, who purchased a house built in 1970, they turned to HGTV’s “Fixer to Fabulous” team of Jenny and Dave Marrs.

Keywords: Vetrazzo recycled glass, Countertops, Interior Design, Kitchen Design, Sustainable Design

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Designers Unite To Help Build A Brighter Future For Underserved Students

Posted by Steven Schrenk


There couldn’t be a greater contrast between the city of Immokalee and its neighboring communities in Collier County, Florida. While nearly half of Immokalee families live in poverty, nearby Naples is one of the wealthiest communities in the United States. While one well-documented solution to breaking the cycle of poverty is access to high-quality educational opportunities, in Immokalee there are not enough services to meet the need.

Keywords: Vetrazzo recycled glass, Millefiori, Made in America, Interior Design, Sustainable Design, interior

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First-Class Finishes in the Sea-Tac Delta Sky Lounge

Posted by Steven Schrenk

The golden days of luxury air travel (the glamorous glory years of Pan Am and the Concorde in the 1950s and 60s) may be long gone, but that doesn’t mean airlines aren’t still offering their flyers lavish amenities. Now you might just find many of these first-class touches with your feet on the ground.

Keywords: Vetrazzo recycled glass, Made in America, Interior Design, Chivalry Blue, Sustainable Design, interior

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Terrazzo Makes a Comeback and Pushes Beyond Flooring

Posted by Steven Schrenk


A bottle of wine shared on a romantic date for two doesn’t have to go to waste once the last drop leaves the glass.

Old architectural glass that once adorned a city skyscraper doesn’t have to lose its purpose after the structure is demolished.

A city traffic light can continue to impact its surroundings even after it’s been cracked.

Keywords: Interior Design, Sustainable Design

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Historic Revival Gets Modern Update With Recycled Glass Counters And Tile

Posted by Steven Schrenk

Historic may not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of Florida homes. Up until the last 80 years, the sunshine state was still virtually an untouched jungle with predominantly dirt roads and little in the way of notable architecture like that found in other southern states such as Georgia and South Carolina. And compared to areas north of the Mason Dixon line like New York and Massachusetts, Florida might as well be considered an uninhabited island. But St. Augustine aside, Florida still has some hidden history tucked away in the palm trees that adds to its coastal character.

Keywords: Interior Design, Martini Flint

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Is Your Brand Committed To Green Initiatives? Here’s How Some Companies Are Putting A Focus On Sustainability

Posted by Steven Schrenk

Over the years Vetrazzo has enjoyed a successful track record of being featured in many commercial projects, due in large part to its immediate visual appeal but also in that it carries a specific message of being an environmentally friendly product produced in a socially responsible manner. Its versatility makes it suitable to a variety of design styles, especially within the educational, retail, institutional and hospitality sectors.

Keywords: Charisma Blue, Ruby Red, Commercial Projects, Interior Design, Cubist Clear, Sustainable Design, Patina

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Mindfully Made

Recycled Glass Countertops

Vetrazzo recycled glass surfaces were hatched in Berkeley, CA in 1996. With 16 of our colors boasting Cradle to Cradle Silver certification, our commitment to sustainability is more transparent than ever.

Truly a great American innovation, Vetrazzo is the original recycled glass surface proudly made in America.

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